Parent Participation
- Our community represents a wide range of cultures, life-styles and family settings.
- We value the wide variety of experiences that the children and community bring to the school.
- We offer a supportive learning environment.
- We aim to improve educational outcomes for all students.
Parents are encouraged to help make decisions about their child’s education.
Parents will be informed by teachers of the content of the curriculum being taught to our students.
Supporting your school child
The following are some ways you can be involved in the school and or your child’s education. We understand that some parents are unable to help in the classroom and whole school but you will be able to help with ideas at home.
At Home
Parents are encouraged to:
- talk positively with children about school
- read with children
- read newsletters
- read and sign diaries as teachers ask
- read assessments/reports
- help with homework e.g. encourage and support, give children a quiet space.
In the Classroom
Whenever possible come to:
- class information evening
- parent-teacher interviews in areas requested by teacher – reading/writing conference, social
- support class outings e.g. suggestions, attendance.
Whole school
- support special programs e.g, Greek, The Arts, PE
- attend school functions e.g. Sports day, Working Bees, End of year Celebration
- work in library
- attend workshops
- provide sports coaching/transport
- look after and be proud of our school
- support our OSHC (out of school hours care) e.g. use, promote in community.