The Enrolment Process
Torrensville Primary School accepts both "local" and "non-local" enrolments depending on school capacity, time of year, individual circumstances and in negotiation with other associated schools.
Local and non-local students are those whose primary place of residence has the shortest distance by road to the school. To find your closest school, google "Find a school zone or preschool catchment area". Students are considered 'non-local' if another public school is closer by road to their primary residence. Local students are prioritised in this process.
Registration of Interest Process
The major intake of enrolments for primary schools occurs at the Foundation level at the beginning of the school year. The process of enrolment begins in term 2 of the preceding year, with families registering interest using the foundation placement registration form, available from our front office. Two rounds of offers are then made in term 3 with the first round consisting mainly of local students and round 2 consisting of enrolment consideration for non-local students seeking an alternative placement. Enrolment queries for other year levels are asked to complete the Enrolment Registration of Interest - Years 1 to 6 below.
Transition Visits
All new Foundation students will have 2-3 visits prior to starting school. These will be late term four and families will be notified. An information session for all families will be held late in term four.
Registration of Interest for New Foundation Students
Please contact the school on 8443 7355
Enrolment Registration of Interest - Years 1 to 6
For year 1-6 students, please fill and submit the expression of interest form below: